Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 14: It's A Small World

This week began with Amistad’s board meeting, where all staff from each department reported highlights of their recent projects. We also discussed our upcoming acquisitions and processing plans for the Center.  I met several board members and discussed the importance of my fellowship and my involvement as an archival fellow at Amistad, and interestingly, one of the board members was my former undergraduate school history professor. She currently teaches African American Studies at Georgia State University. I never thought I'd run into a former professor at the board meeting. It's a small world!

In addition, my poster proposal, entitled “Black Arts Movement in the South” has been accepted for the 2012 SAA Conference in San Diego!  The presentation will highlight the John O’Neal papers and his involvement with community arts and theater organizations, focusing on black theater in the South. I hope to provide a broader prospective on the political and social issues related to the history of the Southern Black Arts Movement.  I am so excited!

Until next week!


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